Friday, October 2, 2009

How Much Time Do You Spend?

A few years ago I had the opportunity to spend some time in Australia attending the wedding of my son and daughter-in-law. I stayed at an amazing bed and breakfast just off of Bondi beach just outside of Sydney. There is an indescribable coastal walk that goes from Bondi beach to Maroubra beach. It is 7.4 miles one way hopping from one gorgeous beach to the next with wild and wonderful coastline in between. It takes about 4 hours to walk each way so there is plenty of time to enjoy Yehoveh’s amazing creation and do a lot of thinking as well.

One day as I was walking along I started thinking about Yehoveh’s Word – commonly called the Bible. I had read bits and pieces, even whole chapters but had never read it through entirely. Something spoke to me while I was staring out at His enormous ocean, waves crashing on the cliffs below me, that one day I would be standing in front of Him, the author of this incredible book and what would I say if He asked me, “Have you ever read my book through start to finish?” It hit me that I would be so ashamed at that moment. Everything that He did to give it to me and I didn’t care enough to even read it.

That moment I made the decision that no matter what I was going to start at the beginning and read it straight through. Every single word, name, number, no matter how confusing or boring it might be in places. As soon as I got back to my room that day I opened it up to Genesis 1:1 and started reading. No studying it, just reading, like I would any other novel or book. It took me 4 months and I finished up at Revelation 22:21.

WOW! The picture became very clear. I could see Yehoveh’s plan completely laid out from the very beginning. It all came together so perfectly. It strengthened my faith in ways I cannot even count. To read story after story of how He protected, saved and rescued person and nation time and after time when none of them deserved it was so inspiring.

I could see His plan for the nation of Israel and how He so perfectly opened the door to gentiles to become a part of it and how it was His plan all along. That from the first moment He prepared to send His Son, Yeshua Messiah, to complete the sacrificial system that He began at Mt. Sinai. WOW! That piece by piece He put the puzzle together, bringing mankind along the journey of knowing Him.

Since then reading the bible through has become a normal habit to me. I finish up with Revelation and start right again with Genesis. As many times as I have done it over the past few years there is always something that I read that jumps out at me as if I had never read it before. The picture becomes clearer every time.

For those of you who have never read the Word of Yehoveh through I encourage it. It will bring you so much peace and understanding. A while ago I came across a webpage about reading the bible through. It had an online booklet written by Phillip Green.

This is how I have broken down my time in His Word:

1. Spending time daily just reading through the bible.

2. Spending time daily doing a specific bible study – currently I am working through the Torah and Old Testament doing a free online study at

Now I can stand before Him and at least I can say yes I have read your book. And I cannot wait to spend time with Him discussing the things I have read.


The Intrepid Hen said...

I'm a fellow torahclass studier as well! Have completed all the studies and am going week by week now. Am also doing Hollisa Alewine's Creation Gospel study with a teleconference group, and Tony Robinson's Parsha studies...he teaches you how to see the themes in the Scripture accounts, and link them for greater understanding. Remarkably simple studies, both of these, but so profound. Followed a rabbit trail to your blog, and am nodding my head and smiling as I read ;) Yes, the entire picture is there in the Bible, what an amazing gift!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I will check into those other studies that you mentioned. I, too, am now going week to week in the Torah class. Thanks again!